Lemon Bottle Fat Injections
Lemon Bottle is a game changer, with natural ingredients, fast results and minimal pain and swelling.
Specially formulated to excel in treating smaller, precise areas where stubborn fat likes to linger.
Lemon Bottle's advanced solution is injected into the fatty deposit area getting to work under the skin, breaking down the stubborn fat cells, turning them into fatty acids. This is then taken care of by the body's natural waste removal process and will be flushed out of the body every time you urinate.

Lemon Bottle is a high-concentrated fat dissolve that combines 3 key friendly ingredients
BROMELAIN- Derived from pineapples, it is a powerful digestive enzyme. It triggers fat breakdown whilst also having a powerful anti inflammatory effect which reduces swelling and puffiness.
VITAMIN B2 (RIBOFLAVIN) Riboflavin plays an essential part in turning carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy. Vitamin B2 is involved in the oxidation of fat and helps fat metabolism by promoting fat burning.
LECITHIN- A natural derived fatty substance that attracts both water and fats- reducing cholesterol and maintaining healthy arteries, veins and blood vessels.

CHIN AREA £95.00
FULL STOMACH AREA from £230.00
LOVE HANDLES from £120.00
BACK AREA from £120.00
INNER THIGHS from £120.00
OUTER THIGHS from £130.00
UPPER ARMS from £120.00
Between 3-6 sessions may be needed and are recommended to see maximum results. This will vary depending on how much fat is in the area and the desired look. Courses are available at discount prices.

Remember this is not a solution for weight loss. This treatment works best if you are on a healthy diet and exercising with extra pockets of stubborn fat that can't be reduced with exercise or diet. Water intake is your home care whilst receiving the treatment to receive maximum results.